Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

JJ Raferty's

Karaoke night at JJ Rafferty’s Friday, September 10th was a mini concert for me. The girls couldn’t make it and I had invited Garry who I met last Saturday at Rocks. I went to Rocks after attending “That 70’s Float” boat ride.

The boat ride was a class reunion type of event for the classes of the ‘70’s. I had a great time on the boat ride. They had Karaoke and I just had to sing. I was honored when Dick and Katie Holmes indicated that they have been following my blog and enjoyed my writing. When Lisa Connors and Bev Clementie arrived, I was overjoyed. I didn’t bring a date and was there alone and even though it was the classes of the 70’s, I barely knew anyone or should I say, recognize anyone.

That is I didn’t recognize anyone from the days at High School, but I did recognize a few of the older classmen from the watering holes in the area. Not going to out anyone, it’s their business but let’s just say there were a few uncomfortable men on the boat ride. Dudes, your secret is safe with me. We’ll just have a few giggles about the situation the next time we see each other outside a WHS event.

After the event, I went to Rocks. I was still energized from the dancing and singing on the boat and I didn’t want the evening to end. I hadn’t been to Rocks since March and I was surprised to see that they had done some remodeling. They must have purchased the building next door since there was an opening in the wall that led to a large dance floor with a stage in front of it. Whatta’ ya’ know, there was a drag show going on. OK, this should be fun. I always get a kick out of the tired (poor) performances by the local drag talent. They are hilarious. The Drag Queens in Albany really need to DVR Ru Pauls Drag Race on Logo. Maybe they can pick up some tips on how to be a drag performer. Even better a more convincing drag performer. Instead they look like men dressed up for Halloween. The illusion is totally lost on these pathetic wannabees. A few dance lessons wouldn’t hurt either. I guess I’m spoiled by the professionalism of the NYC, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and even Buffalo drag performers who could and do pass as women during the day. They’ve honed their craft and their lip sinking is on point. Their drag (costume) is professionally made. I swear they must have designers working with them.

Surprisingly, the show was actually good. I figured they must have imported some real talent since this was and AIDS fundraiser. I found out during the week at work that the “Old Girls” were performing from a co-worker who was a performer. He informed me that they were working a deal with the Rock’s ownership to have special event nights on Saturdays and the AIDs fundraiser was the first of many to come. He also informed me that the Sunday night show was poorly organized and the performers were the “Young Girls” with no talent. So, it wasn’t just me. What a relief, I thought I was becoming jaded.

OK, so I threw the name Garry out there and just left it dangling in the air. Curious, aren’t you. Well, he’s married (partnered) for seventeen years. Get this; his partner’s name is Eddie. What a coincidence…

(to be continued)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Karaoke At Peddler's Bistro

The girls and I went to Peddler’s Bistro in Clifton Park on Friday the 3rd and had a marvelous time despite the idiot DJ. Even with the on board GPS, I managed to miss the place. Peddler’s offers free valet parking, unbeknownst to me. I was a little apprehensive to turn my fob over to the attendant but his beautiful smile put me a ease. He asked if it was my first time there and I said yes, I was there for Karaoke. The attendant, Eric, requested a shout out when I got up to sing. I knew then that it was going to be a good night that is until I met the DJ.

Karaoke didn’t begin until around 9:00 PM after the band finished playing on the patio. Nia sent a link to Stilly’s Entertainment which is the Karaoke Company. The website had bios of their DJ’s and their entire song list. DJ Billie has a very hot picture on the website with an interesting bio. However, as a customer service representative he has a lot to learn. My group noticed that he was very cold and unwelcoming when receiving our slips. He didn’t acknowledge us or the songs we selected. He basically snatched the slip out of my hand and tossed off to the side. Not on or near a pile where there were other slips that had been turned in by but under the counter top. I actually leaned over the counter to see where they landed. Needless to say, his actions irked me and I knew what I had to do…

Nail my performances!!

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