Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Monday, September 29, 2014

I've Quit Smoking...

Well, let's say I've quit buying cigarettes and have switched to "vaping".  May 6, 2014 was the first day that I did not use (tobacco).  Vaping has allowed me to control the nicotine intake and today, September 29, 2014 I have switched to zero (0) nicotine level in the vape juice.  Tested it all weekend and found that I do vape more since there isn't a nicotine in take.  I guess my new addition is  "vaping".  Let's see how this works with my trip back to Atlanta in a few weeks.  The extra chargers, batteries, and vape juice have their own special carrying case.  lol.  

The vape journey began with the disposable brands which were weak and I continued using tobacco while vaping.  Splurging, I purchased the "Blue E-Cigarette".  That lasted all of a week before the charger stopped working.  Yes, I could have received a replacement by filling out some form and sending the item back to the manufacturer but I don't do the return hoops.  Normally, I just write it off as a loss.  I returned to the menthol cigarette.  My cousin "T", had an unusual e-cigarette.  Unusual meaning I never saw one like it.  The Kanger Pro-Tank 2.  The sleekness of the design caught my attention and the fact that she had been using it for almost a year without using tobacco sold me on trying it.  The start up cost wasn't cheap by no means.  Almost $100 to get started and then replacing batteries for more power and stocking up on juice, I spent nearly $300 but I would have spent that much on cigarettes over the past four months and I've spent more than that with the various quitting tools; smoking sensations, the patch, nicorette, hypnosis, and chantix.  This is the first tool, even though it is not advertised as a "stop smoking" aid or backed by smoking sensations, that actually worked for me.  Or, maybe my mind was finally right.  A "touch of emphysema" will do that to you.  Quitting now may reverse the damage, we'll see in November which is my next scheduled appointment.