Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Prince of Wales

Finally, we were able to speak to each other last night.  After several missed calls, text messages, and voice mails we spent twenty minutes on the phone professing how much we missed each other and inquiring about work and life's happenstances.  I hadn't seen The Prince of Wales since December 19, 2010 when he surprised me with a visit.  Two weeks prior to the visit, we discovered that over the past two years we secretly admired each other.  Though we never spent a lot of time together during those two years other than coincidental meetings in common watering holes where we would connect and reconnect.  I always felt good, somewhat euphoric, after seeing Wales and spending a few moments with him.  It's amazing how much you can learn about a person when you utilize those brief chance encounters to get to know them by cutting through the window dressing and discovering the substance.  When I discovered he was a single dad through adoption, he won me over.  he didn't know two years ago that I was in total admiration of him.  I knew then that he was a good man.  A better man than myself for I would never consider becoming a single dad.  My response to inquiries  as to why I do not have any children is one; I'm not married and two; I'm selfish.  Hey, I'm being honest here.  My narrow view on children and family caused me to become blind to the fact that I could adopt and become a father without any baby mama drama.  I was on the baby mama drama train and it got derailed twenty two years ago and the desire for the traditional sense of marriage and children dissipated.  My resolve was to be single and childless.

Here I am now, twenty two years later fantasizing, by inserting myself into the family photo of The Prince of Wales and the four Dukes.  Adding one more ring of commitment to the Prince's finger to solidify the bond between us.  Anxiously awaiting the first meeting with the Dukes and wondering if they will like me as much as their father does.  Will they be receptive of a step father?  Hey King Edward, slow your roll man!  I put on a good front when the Prince went down that road and I pulled the reigns; "we have to take things slowly", I said.  Wales agreed and pulled it back.  In our minds, I think the both of us were already standing in our tuxedos surrounded by the Dukes, family and friends sitting behind us witnessing our ceremony of commitment and depending upon which state we were in (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, and Vermont, and Washington, DC), our marriage which would be recognized in New York.  Wow!  I can't believe I just wrote this or that this long dormant thought of marriage has been rekindled and reverberates within my heart.  Shall I dust of my wedding binder and begin cutting out photos from wedding magazines?  I haven't seen the horse drawn carriage in years.  I digress; I'm truly getting carried away right now.

Availability isn't an issue with Wales unlike the others I fell for over the past ten years.  He is in a committed relationship with his sons and there is room in his heart for me as well and that's a beautiful thing.
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Anonymous said...

The world of single parenting is a very challenging one and that is also very rewarding. The single parent has the challenge of being both mother and father to their child or children and this is an opportunity for real change and growth in the parent. Learn more:

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Anonymous said...

The fact that he has provided you with renewed hope and the possibility of what could be is worth writing & getting carried away. Never give up on hopes, dreams, or what could be. When they become a real they are all the more decadent. Sometimes within getting carried away you find new hope. ~NF

ECagelove said...

Thanks ~NF. You always say something to let me know that I'm not crazy and I appreciate that.