Sharing Me With You

My photo
Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

...In The Beginning

...Recently, I discovered the truth about my legs.  The love of my life, Nathaniel, told me.  He and Charles have remained friends after all these years.  Since Nanthaniel (Nate) and I were reunited, I asked him if he knew how my legs got burned.  He wasn't sure but indicated that he would find out.  By the next day he had the answer.  Charles informed Nate that I didn't climb into a tub of hot water.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Emotional Day

I'm overwhelmed with emotions today.  My chest was hurting this morning as if I was experiencing another artery blockage.  I can not seem to defeat this nicotine addiction.  My mind is wondering and missing my mother.  I feel like the commercial where the lady is being wound up to start her day.  The happy facade is not working form me.  The darkness is hovering over me and I can not see the light.

Monday, July 26, 2010

...Heart Attack

MONDAY, JULY 26, 2010
9:05 PM

(Continued from July 15, 2010)

…The next day I get a call from my cousin Nia, Aunt Kay’s oldest grandchild.

“Hey Edward, How are you doing”, Nia asked. “Hey baby, I’m fine”, thinking I would pull the wool over her eyes. Nia burst that bubble quickly. Miss Girl let me have it. What ever happened to respecting your elders? She informed me that she was aware of my heart attack and that I was in the hospital. She also indicated that Nana (Aunt Kay) was upset that I didn’t tell her when she spoke to me on my birthday. I said, “I didn’t want her to get worried.” Nia had a valid point when she said that not hold things back from her grandmother. We should give her the opportunity to deal with the situation instead of her finding out through the grape vine that things aren’t what they seem. That causes more stress on her than the truth. I agreed with her and promised not to do it again. Nia pointed out that the family always does this and then the grandchildren have to clean up the mess. I must say this was good advice from a youngin’. She’s all grown up now.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

…In The Beginning

Uncle Howard was a hard working state trooper. He wasn’t around much. I think he needed to get away from Aunt Loie. She was enough to drive you crazy. Whenever we all got together, including my father, an argument would always ensue between the adults. The gathering would end abruptly when Uncle Howard would go to the closet where he kept his gun. Those were scary times for a child and I am still afraid of guns and policemen, state troopers in particular.

 In the beginning I was there but I have been negligent in revealing the dreaded baby picture. You know, the awe he’s so cute picture. Well,  here it is. It’s not a very good photo, but then again when you’ve seen one new born you’ve seen them all. Thank God it’s not the naked baby picture. Joyce loved to embarrass me with that one by showing it to my girlfriends. Of course they thought it was cute. You’ll see that my mother had a way with my girlfriends. They became very attached to her and remained in contact with her even after we were no longer together.

Education started very early for me. On June 7, 1961 I smiled for the first time. Joyce was ecstatic that I smiled at her. So much so that she had to record it in my baby book. Six days after the first smile, I began to laugh. Even then I was a quick learner. At ten months I took my first step. This was the beginning of my rein of terror. Joyce assisted me in the walking process by placing me in a walker. Big mistake, I used the walker as a racecar. I would speed around the house, knocking things over, pulling things off of the kitchen and coffee table. I quickly learned how to change the channel on the television as well as turn it on and off from my walker. I would run into Joyce and laughed while she yelled at me. What can I say, I was a kid who wanted to play not take a nap. The time for napping was the time for sneakiness. That’s what Joyce called it. She would lay me down to sleep and I would get up when she left the room. I didn’t like taking naps. I guess I was afraid I would miss out on valuable play time, walker crashes into mommy. I learned how to behave by taps on the butt. My taurian stubbornness was a challenge for Joyce and she made sure I had a soft behind, since my head was so hard. The rod was not spared and I somehow still became spoiled. It must have been all the Godparents, great aunts (aunts) and family friends who spoiled me. Like I said, I always got what I wanted. There were too many people who fell for my charming skills. Unlike most children, my first words were “oh boy”. “Dada” came later. By January 19, 1962 I began speaking in full sentences. This was a sure sign that I would be different. Joyce had no idea of how different I would become.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

...Heart Attack

11:00 PM
(continued from July 13, 2010)

The outpour of love from my cast members was overwhelming. For some reason I’m always surprised when people who’ve only known me for a short while are taken with me. Don’t get me wrong, my self-esteem is not in question. I just wish that I could be on the outside looking in to see what it is that they see. Mary, Mary would say, “It’s the GOD in me”. 

Joyce did keep me in church. I was a Junior Usher, sang in the Youth Choir, and went to Sunday school from time to time. I am the crowned Prince of the Union Missionary Baptist Church.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Alvin Ailey Dancers

Just looking for desk top backgrounds of dancers one day and binged Alvin Aley images.  Had to create a photo gallery. It's nice to look back every once in a while. Just don't get caught up in what should have been.

I had my fun as a dance and theatre minor in school. Mom was right to insist that I major in business. Every now and then I get a longing for the Arts. My facilitation of New Emloyee Orientation at CA One Services were performances for me. Ahh, to be a facilitator again....:)

OK, back to reality.

Locked Out

What a way to start the day locking myself out of the house this morning. Already not having a not so good start to this dreary day, I managed to beautify myself in record time; twenty minutes. That’s a record for me since my process can take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half depending on my mood. I hope I can at least recreate those steps on a regular basis.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Heart Attack...

TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2010
8:00 PM

(continued from June 24, 2010)

You’ve got to love my Aunt Betty and Uncle Curt. They were at the hospital in record time and of course Uncle Curt had jokes. They informed that they saw Jacqui on their way in and talk to her a little while. My sister really loves me. Though we don’t say the magic three words, “I love you”, very often. She displays her affection differently and has always been there when I needed her. Her love is displayed materialistically. Especially during Christmas time. That’s where collection of over night bags came from and she always kept me in cologne. I must say the girl knows her fragrances and what would smell good on her brother. I’m also a benefactor of her designer casual wear that she out grew. She loves Fordham Road and I know in a couple of years the accoutrements will be mine. I’ll take the hand me downs any day and where them well.

Monday, July 12, 2010

...In The Beginning

When Joyce needed to talk to Nana, she would take my younger sister, Jacqui and I, with her to Kittle’s. She always knew where to find Nana when she needed to talk to her. She just hoped that Nana hadn’t filled up on Johnny Walker or Schlitz. If she had, the conversation would most definitely be soured.
Oh, I'm sorry.  I didnn't introduce you to my sister, Jacqui.  She came in the beginning on January 25, 1963.  I was a little to young to remember the pregnancy and birthing pricess.  I don't even remember if mommy asked if I wanted a brother or sister.  The nerve!  We use to fight like cats and dogsl  I'll fill you in on our escapdes later.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

...In The Beginning

My name was not supposed to be Edward. Joyce had selected, Jerrard Jay Cage for a boy and Jeannine Jill Cage for a girl. Now I like the name Jerrard, but unfortunately, at that time I didn’t have a say in the matter. Hannah and Sonny wanted the boy (me) to be named after his father. Thank God, a Jr. wasn’t attached. There’s something about a name beginning with the letter “J” (Jesus). For example, say these names out loud; Jerrard, Jesus, Jay, Jesus, Joyce, Jesus, Joseph, Jesus, John, Jesus, Jeannine, Jesus, Jill, Jesus, Jacquelynne, Jesus. You see what I mean. There’s power in the name, JESUS. Why wouldn’t I prefer Jerrard over Edward? Wouldn’t you? OK, now I’m ranting over my name. You will find that I tend to go on tangents, just bear with me. The drama began at an early age. Who knew that this was a prediction of my future, a life full of drama.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

ESC Net Article - "Parkour"

SUNY Empire State College was up in the air on June 29 when Saratoga Springs-based Elevation Films captured footage for the college's newest television commercial.
Filming at several locations in Saratoga Springs – from downtown to Saratoga Spa State Park -- from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., the production company shot the fluid movements of a professional performing "parkour," intense physical activity that includes jumping, climbing, back-flipping, cartwheeling, hopping, dodging and gestures that resemble martial arts, to maneuver through, past, over and around obstacles in an environment.

A crowd gathered to watch as Travis Graves, the lead stunt man in the commercial -- playing the part of a student -- leaped from rooftop to rooftop, overcoming real and symbolic barriers, to earn a degree from SUNY Empire State College. The 30-second spot end with Graves landing on the rooftop of Mrs. London's restaurant and bakery in the heart of Saratoga Springs, where he opens his laptop and starts to work.
"It was an excellent shoot," said Special Events Coordinator Susan McFadden, who helped to arrange the day-long event. "It was an amazing group of people from different specialties that all came together and worked as a cohesive team. It's going to be an accurate representation of SUNY Empire State College.
The Saratogian, the area's daily paper, got wind of the production and made it front-page news with great photographs, viewable at

Several college employees served as extras, playing the roles of students. "Working as an extra was great," says Edward Cagé, who works in Human Resources. "Travis was awesome!
The commercial will air this fall on cable stations such as Bravo and MTV as well as on networks, including NBC.

Strange Looks

Is there something wrong with me?  I had to snap a picture in the men's room this morning since I kept getting strange looks from my co-workers. Not to mention the murmering.  Do I look fat in this shirt?  I don't think so.  Though in these pictures it does look like I have a little gut.  Darn horizontals!
Am I paranoid or what.  No I don't think so.  Ever since the fall out of my little brother and I, the office atmosphere has changed.  People are snapping for no apparent reason and I seem to get the brunt of it.

My hair is tight and face is flawless today (not shiny).  The oil control is working.  My attitude is still very laissez faire and my motto is still "Life is too short, it's time to live it".  So who gives a hoot.  The reality is that for the first time the office wittnessed another side of me.  The not so sweet passive aggresive side that can push a person to the edge.  They wittnessed the fearless "Eduoard".  I've stated on several occasions that I fear no man regardless of his/her position, only GOD. 

Just a few scriptures to back up why I fear no man.

Ex 18:21
Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:
De 6:13
Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name.
2Ch 19:7
Wherefore now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts.
Ps 56:4
In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.
Search God's word: 
I guess I'm just trying to say that my heart shall no longer be troubled from the incident.  All is forgiven and forgotten and I have moved on.  I can no longer carry excess baggage or be concearned what people think of me.  It's not good for my health; physical, mental and spiritual.  For man does not hold the key to the kingdom that my mother is now a resident of and where I know I will gain entry.  For I am a Prince and my true father is the King of that kingdom.
I will continue to walk carefully and wise and seek the prize that is promised to me.  However, I will not allow any man to disrespect me or mine.  So if I must remain steadfast in a moment of discourse, so be it.  This is who I am, take it or leave it.