Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Monday, July 26, 2010

...Heart Attack

MONDAY, JULY 26, 2010
9:05 PM

(Continued from July 15, 2010)

…The next day I get a call from my cousin Nia, Aunt Kay’s oldest grandchild.

“Hey Edward, How are you doing”, Nia asked. “Hey baby, I’m fine”, thinking I would pull the wool over her eyes. Nia burst that bubble quickly. Miss Girl let me have it. What ever happened to respecting your elders? She informed me that she was aware of my heart attack and that I was in the hospital. She also indicated that Nana (Aunt Kay) was upset that I didn’t tell her when she spoke to me on my birthday. I said, “I didn’t want her to get worried.” Nia had a valid point when she said that not hold things back from her grandmother. We should give her the opportunity to deal with the situation instead of her finding out through the grape vine that things aren’t what they seem. That causes more stress on her than the truth. I agreed with her and promised not to do it again. Nia pointed out that the family always does this and then the grandchildren have to clean up the mess. I must say this was good advice from a youngin’. She’s all grown up now.

“I’m coming to see you.” “No baby, I’m getting out of here this morning. Just spoke with the doctor and I’m being released.” We continued to chat for little bit after that. She wanted us to reconnect and spend some time together and catch up since I left her and Lita for so long. I thought that was a good idea and indicated that I would like that.

Around twelve noon I heard a click, click, click coming towards my door as I was anxiously waiting for the nurse to come with my discharge papers. I was ready to get the heck out of Ellis Hospital. I looked up at the door and there was Nia. “Girl, what are you doing here?” “I knew you weren’t going anywhere.” “Yes I am. I’m being discharged.” “You said that three hours ago and you’re still here.” She had a point. Nia hung out with me for an hour and was there when the nurse came in and told me that the doctor completed my discharge papers and the discharge nurse was looking them over to order any medications that I may need. My roommate told me to ask if they could provide cab fare home so I wouldn’t have to wait all day for my sister to pick me. Unfortunately, I live to far away and the best they could do is give me a bus pass. The killer was when she told me that I wouldn’t be able to drive for a few days. Nia must have thought I lost my mind because I did. “Whatya mean I can’t drive. Do you know what I’m driving?” Yeah, I was mad crazy for my 2011 Sonata with the works. It does everything but make coffee, so I can’t live in it. I tried to convince the nurse that I was fine and wanted a reasonable explanation of why I couldn’t drive. Every reason she gave me I disputed. I demonstrated that I could lift my right leg without any pain or bleeding from the groin area. She got the point that I was going to drive.

Things started moving after she arrived. I don’t know, they must have seen her coming and realized that Miss Girl doesn’t play or maybe she said something to them before she came in the room. Whatever it was folks began checking on me, told me I could get dressed and that I should be going in an hour. Well an hour past and then two. Nia decided to go back to the office and leave some things for the summer intern. Wouldn’t you know it, that as soon as she left they were ready to have me sign the release documents. I called Nia at work and left a message as well as her cell phone. By the time I was dressed and packed she was there and we were off.

My second chance at life had begun and I was ready to live it.

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