Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day At The Track

On Sunday, August 8, 2010 I went to the Saratoga Race Track for the first time this season to reconnect with friends, Jozette and Jo-Anne. I wasn’t sure of how I would handle being at the track without Joyce. That was our thing, well her thing, during the summer. I was the driver who was bribed with the promise of a sausage and peppers sandwich. Joyce really didn’t have to bribe me. I enjoyed our days at the track together or our drives to nowhere discovering new things in Montgomery County and discovering new restaurants and fish fry places. The sausage and peppers sandwich along with the Sunday give-away at the track was gravy on a delicious plate of time spent with Mom.
I promised myself that I wouldn’t park in our usual spot and advised Jozette that the day may be difficult for me. Of course I was running late and my plan to park far away and walk to the track was derailed. I ended up at the parking place that Joyce and I usually parked. We were always the last car to get in the lot and Sunday was no different. Well, it was. I was alone. Saddened by that fact I quickly got out of the car and headed towards the entrance of the race track forgetting my cell phone I had to double back. My friends were already seated in the club house somewhere and I had to call them once I got in to locate them. Jozette had called several times with an update; “what is your estimated time of arrival”, “we are at the gate”, “we are at section...” She was being quite helpful but kept interrupting Dr. Oz on Oprah radio. I found the discussion of addiction to be very interesting since I am struggling with my own. I wonder if I call the “Karen” would the addiction to nicotine gain me entrance for a week long program. Anyway, once I located them in the section they were seated in I was stopped by the usher who indicated that I needed a ticket for the Grand Stand. I had to go all the way back to the gate to purchase the ticket. I thought the Club House ticket ($5.00) was what I needed when I first entered. Little did I know that there was a separate fee for the Grandstand ($8.00). Joyce I never sat down at the races. She enjoyed standing at the fence in the hot sun to watch the horses run. I introduced her to the Club House last season and paid the additional three dollars for the entrance fee. She thought it was cute that I would do anything to stay out of the hot sun. I’m not one for the heat and perspiring.

After the minor drama of getting the Grandstand ticket in the location that my friends were in, I finally made it to my seat. I hadn’t seen the two of these ladies in quite some time and was great to be around them once again. My trepidation of attending the track without Joyce was over. The moment of sadness that I experienced when I parked the car dissipated without warning. They laughed at my method of betting on the horses. I know nothing about the trainers, jockeys, or owners. I simply pick the name of the horse that speaks to me in some way and always bet on gray horses. Win, place or show is the way I go. All the other stuff is just too complicated for me. I’m just there to have fun and I don’t take it too seriously. I went to the same “HOT” clerk each time for five races and manage to have a horse in a winning position each race. I told him he was my good luck charm when I cashed out.

Overall, I had a great day at the races with the ladies. I especially enjoyed Jo-Ann’s demonstration of the iPad. I’m sold!

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