Sharing Me With You

My photo
Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Friday, August 13, 2010

...In The Beginning

Jacqui recovered from her injury and was back to her normal tag along self when she was hit by a Freihoffer bread truck.  Well she wasn't exactly run over.  The truck driver hit the breaks but the sudden stop of the truck, jerked it forward and bumped the object in fron of it; my sister.  She was knocked down and only had a few scrapes.  This time it was definitely my fault.

She wanted to go with me and the guys to the corner store and I told her to go ask mommy.  The plan was that while she went into the house to ask for permission, we could go to the store and get back without her.  Little Miss Tagalong was quick.  She got permission and was seconds behind me when I got to the store.  I quickly makde my purchase and left her in the store.  As I got half way down Alexander Street, I hear Jacqui calling, "Eddie, Eddie, cross me!"  She wanted me to go all the way back to the corner and check both sides for traffic.  Mind you, she crossed herself to get to the store.  I ran a few yards up the block to check for traffic on the left.  I couldn't really see the right side, but I said, "Ok, cross!"  As soon as she stepped into the street, the Freihoffer truck appeared on the right side where she was crossing and slammed on the brakes.  I witnessed my sister almost squashed by a bread truck.

The terror raced through my heart and I took off after her to see if she was all right.  When I got to the corner the driver exclaimed, "I'm so sorry.  I didn't see her.  She came out of nowhere.  Is she alright?"  I said, "Yeah, she'll be ok."  I knew she would because she wasn't crying.  Instead she was saying, "I'm telling mommy that you didn't cross me right!"  I knew I would get the extension cord for that one so I bribed her not to tell.  From that point on I had to take her with me everywhere I went.  She held it over my head for quite a long time.  You would think the little thing would forget but she was quick to remind me that we had a secret.


Well readers, this concludes the seventeen pages of the "Book  In Progress".  Where do I go from here?  I've covered up to age seven, but there is quite a bit I haven't mentioned regarding the early years.  Who is the love of my life?  You should be able to answer that question.  You have the blue print or should I say the draft blue print of my life.  I hired a new architect who strengthend the foundation and redesigned the blue print for my future.

The plan is constantly evolving.  The most recent addition is the "House of Authentic Self".  Hmm, that's a pretty good chapter title.  I better add it to the outline before I forget.  No, seriously; I hope you have enjoyed what you have read thus far and continue reading and sharing "ECagelove".  My postings may be a little delayed as I write, write and write more about my life and escapeds to share with you.  

May the words contained within this blog uplift, enlighten and open your heart and mind to the power within you to persevere and overcome all adversity.   "Life is too short, it's time to live it!"  Get out there and live your best "authentic" life.


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