Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

...In The Beginning

My name was not supposed to be Edward. Joyce had selected, Jerrard Jay Cage for a boy and Jeannine Jill Cage for a girl. Now I like the name Jerrard, but unfortunately, at that time I didn’t have a say in the matter. Hannah and Sonny wanted the boy (me) to be named after his father. Thank God, a Jr. wasn’t attached. There’s something about a name beginning with the letter “J” (Jesus). For example, say these names out loud; Jerrard, Jesus, Jay, Jesus, Joyce, Jesus, Joseph, Jesus, John, Jesus, Jeannine, Jesus, Jill, Jesus, Jacquelynne, Jesus. You see what I mean. There’s power in the name, JESUS. Why wouldn’t I prefer Jerrard over Edward? Wouldn’t you? OK, now I’m ranting over my name. You will find that I tend to go on tangents, just bear with me. The drama began at an early age. Who knew that this was a prediction of my future, a life full of drama.

I digress; this is supposed to be a positive story. An account of events in my life that will hopefully, uplift your spirit. As you read on, you will find that I tend to delve deep into the lessons of life. I jump into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim. There has always been a life preserver which came in different forms, but always the same. No, we’re not going to church right now, but we will get there.
Little Eddie is what they called me, except for my grandmother. Hannah called me Pookie. You know, one of those grandmother names that only she called you, usually in front of your friends, which caused great embarrassment. You had to love her for the ribbing she caused. Hannah’s Pookie could do no wrong. Anything I wanted I received. She spoiled me rotten. If mamma wouldn’t get it, I’d tell nanna and it was mine. All I had to do was keep nanna entertained during her drunken stupor. “Pookie, sing for nanna”. “Dance for nanna Pookie”. I used to make out like a bandit. The coins always flowed in my direction.

Nanna wasn’t the only person who spoiled me. Unlike most children, I had two sets of Godparents. Ms. Hazel Drake and Mr. Andre Hendricks were single friends of Joyce who always had a gift for the important days in a young boys life. You know, birthday, Christmas, and some times Easter. Let’s not forget graduation days. I could always expect a money card from each of them. I didn’t spend much time with Mr. Hendricks. Ms. Hazel, however, was a barmaid at Kittle’s with Nanna. Ms. Hazel and Nanna were best friends, which is why she became my Godmother. Joyce didn’t have much say on choosing a name for me or as well as whom my godparents would be. She conceded to avoid conflict with her mother.

Side Note: OK, you have read pages one through six out of the seventeen I have written. Comments thus far? Don't worry I won't post them here if you do not want me to. Just indicate "Do Not post" in your comment. All comments are reviewed before posted.

Thanks, I would appreciate your feedback.


Jannine said...

So far I am loving it and yearning to read more. I have laughed a few times. "Pookie" yeah, that stirred up some memories. What did Uncle Charlie call you?
I got Jacqui's name Jannine Jill that's so cool
J names are pretty neat and you are surrounded by them.

ECagelove said...

Uncle Charlie called me Eddie.

ECagelove said...
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