Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Extra, Extra...

Working as an "Extra" today in the Empire State College commercial filming was great.  This is the second performance piece I've been in this year.  I didn't realize how much I enjoyed it.  I've never been in a commercial before or experienced filming.  I have a new found respect for film actors.  All the takes to get the right shot.  I've got the "acting bug" again.  Just hope it's not to late. 

Peyton sent an email indicating she wanted to do another run of "No Earthly Good" in June and she's sent the cast the partial script for her next play.  This would be a perfect opportunity to brush up on my skills.  Especially, since line memorization is a killer for me. 

I need to make a list of things that I need to do to prepare to re-enter the acting the field.  The are plenty of community theatres in the area.  Let's see, I'll need head shots and a theatrical resume.  Network with local actors and performers.  Take in as many plays as I can.  Check the trades for open calls.  Oh yeah, win the lottery.  :)

I keep replaying the day in my head over and over again.  I think I may have missed a connection.  There was a staffer at the location who when we first made eye contact that moment of delight displayed in his eyes along with a bright smile.  I blew it off until the continuous stolen glances.  Hmm, what's going on here.  Then while shooting my scene with Mallory, the director asked the staffers to clear the weeds from the steps after a few takes.  Mal and I offered to help but the crew indicated that we were actors not crew members.  Mal and I continued in conversation and I jokingly indicated that I should have and apple as a prop.  Well Mr. Staff, that was on the back of his T-Shirt, excitedly interjected that he had an apple and he would get it for me.  He thought I was hungry but I indicated that I wanted to use it as a prop.  Mal and I finished our scene on the steps and we went to the next location to prepare for the next scene. 

The director wanted the "Extras" in the first scene to change shirts and hair styles.  I was resigned not to have a prop and out of nowhere Mr. Staff appeared with an apple and a bright smile.  "I got the apple for you", he said.  He seemed so proud that he was able to do that for me.  "Thanks dude", I replied with a smile and the thing I do with my eyes when there not hidden behind glasses.  "You didn't have to do that".  He blushed and said, "No problem."  Being the professional that I am, I turned my attention to the task at hand and asked the Extras which blue shirt I should change into. The makeup artist recommended the solid blue and advised that I should be careful not to get makeup on my shirt. She proceeded to give instructions on how to put the shirt on and then said, “Oh, you know how to do it.” She realized that I had some acting experience when she was applying my makeup and I was knowledgeable about the Mac products. I think she was impressed when I inquired about translucent powder to take down the shine on my face. I wanted to tell her that RuPaul only uses Mac, but I kept that little tidbit to myself.

I have to work on not missing connections. I tend to realize it after the fact instead of in the moment. :(

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