Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I'm so glad that Nee and I have reconnected.  We've been emailing each other all week and learning quite a bit about each other.  You could say we are almost twins. 

This is a new journey for me.  I've been on journeys for the past eighteen months or so.  Perhaps JeNette is right.  The Ministry of Identifying.  I've been connecting and reconnecting with people who are need of someone who is compassionate with their situation; with those who are experiencing things that I have already experienced; coming to terms with issues that I have already came to terms with.  I just wanted to be a choir director but you can't direct a choir if you aren't a member of a church.  That season is over.

Lita text me.  What a surprise.  I was glad  to hear from here.  I really enjoyed hanging with her and her friends Friday night.  I told her to tell them I said hey even though I couldn't remember there names at the time.  That Gabe is a cutie!

I've got a feeling that I'll hear from Takia before the week is out.  My girls are so sweet.  I may have lost my mother but I've gained three beautiful cousins who fill me with so much joy.   Thank you father.

I was thinking about my girl Trina in Philly on the way home so I called and left a message.  She emailed me and informed me that her family is dealing with death again and she is on her way south.  I felt she was going through this again. 

What is going on with me.  I'm feeling things that I'm not usually in tune with.   I need to contact JeNette, my spiritual sister in NJ and my God Son's mom, and find out what is happening to me.  I already know what she's going to say.  My spiritual antenna is receiving signals and I should be careful.  I'm tuned into the right frequency and the static has been lifted.  Warfare is about to commence.  This always seems to happen when I have a near death experience.  The heart attack was the third one in my adult life and I must say just like the one before I was more at peace with the situation.  I guess because I knew if I died, my sister is here to find me.  I'm right upstairs.  Unlike before when I lived alone in NJ.

Whatever path He has me on now, I guess I better stay put.  No more running.  But, am I ready?  I know what JeNette goes through as an Evangelist, yet she remains steadfast even with her Lupus.  Wait a minute, Aunt Betty suffers with Lupus as well and it doesn't stop Rev. Jay.  What the heck is my problem?  The scripture says to study to show thyself approved unto God.  I have not studied, yet when I need a word He provides it or the means for me to find it.  I mean just today He gave me just enough to actually Bing the phrase and find the scripture that was placed on my heart to impart on Nee.  But what if I'm talking to someone and I'm not near a computer or have one of my gadgets with Internet access. 

Now that was a stupid question, Edward.  You talked someone of a ledge in college without quoting scripture.  You identified with the person and spoke the truth to him, the raw unfiltered truth.  Wow, come to think of it, I've been on this path for a long time.  It is just becoming clearer to me that I am not lost.  The spiritual me has always done the right thing.  The carnal me was and is a distraction. 

OK, this is getting a bit deep for me right now.  I'm going to run from this like I always do and go to bed.  The carnal me is just not ready.  I'll probably toss and turn all night now.

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