Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Heart Attack...

TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2010
7:15 AM

(continued from May 30, 2010)

Nurse Terry entered the room in a multicolored green lab coat with green pants and matching blouse. The outfit was topped with a pair of multicolored green reading glasses. The look was quite cute and it matched her personality. I complimented the glasses and she said, “I have a pair for every outfit.” Can someone say DIVA!

I informed Terry of my symptoms and how I experienced this before and it turned out to be pneumonia. She indicated that they would run a cardiogram and connect an IV just in case they needed to pump me with medication or draw more blood. She didn’t want to keep sticking me. That was so sweet of her. The technician attached the little sticky things on my chest, ankles and somewhere on the side, I think. She started the machine and once the reading was complete I noticed tension in her back. She quietly called Nurse Terry over to read the data and she confirmed what the technician read with a yep.

Nurse Terry came back over to me and continued with the IV site. The technician left the room momentarily and I stated to Terry, “I’m having a heart attach, huh”. She said “Yep”. I responded “Oh well, I guess I’m staying”. Terry couldn’t believe how nonchalant I was about the whole thing. I must admit I was relatively calm; however, there was flurry all around me. The technician returned and removed the sticky things, the admissions nurse came in requesting my insurance card, and the doctor shows with a look of fear on his face. Another nurse rushed in with medication; four chewable baby aspirin and nitro glycerin.

Nurse: Here, take these chewable baby aspirin.

Me: With my gum in my mouth?

Nurse: (no response) Place this under your tongue, its nitro glycerin.

Me: I can keep the gum in my mouth.

Nurse: (no response)

Needless to say I kept the gum in my mouth and the nitro under my tongue and I thought I couldn’t multi-task. During this flurry someone contacted the paramedics because they came with the gurney and the questions. Apparently, I’m supposed to be in a great deal of pain. It felt like heart burn to me and I couldn’t quite grasp why everyone else was sooooo excited. I wish these people would calm down. Once the medical banter between the doctor and the paramedics they were finally ready to transport me to Ellis Hospital. The ER doc informed me that I need a heart cauterization. That got my attention. I knew exactly what that was since mommy had one when she had congestive heart failure in September and was transferred to St. Peter’s Hospital. I still remained calm. I was about to receive my first ambulance ride only there would be no one following behind like I did for my mom.

Ok, there’s that brief moment of sadness and loneliness during the medical emergency which I quickly dismissed. No time for that right now boi, get it together. And together I got it. Well having a cute paramedic, without a wedding ring, helped :)…(To be continued)