Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Heart Attack…

12:17 AM

(continued from June 15, 2010)

Gavac transported me to Ellis Hospital in record time.  They called ahead and advised the cath unit that I was on my way.  I was whisked immediately into the operating room.  The attending physician went over the procedure.  Indicating that a tube with a camera would inserted in the artery from my groin which leads to my heart.  Once there he would look to see if the artery was clogged and if so he would insert a stint while he was there.  There were three monitors on my left and I thought I would be awake and get a chance to see the procedure.  A nurse stepped in and indicated that she would have to shave the insertion point.  Of course I asked if she could just trim me up while she was there.  I didn't just want to have a missing patch.  She laughed and indicated that she would just shave the area of insertion.  I smiled at her and looked over to my left at the monitors.  The last thing I remember is thinking that she's going to make a mess of my pubes and I'll have to clean it up when I get home.

Someone slipped me a roofie!  All prepared to watch the procedure what I got was; "keep your head down".  WHAT!  Keep my head down.  I wanted to see what was on the monitor.  As I surveyed my surroundings with my head down, I realized I was in the recovery room.  No one told me I would be under anesthesia.  A nurse came over to check my groin and began to apply pressure.  Apparently, I was bleeding and I guess that was a bad thing.  She called for more bandages and the other nurse became a little frantic.  Was I supposed to worried?  No, Edward wasn't a happy camper.  I wanted to see the procedure.  They stopped the bleeding and the one of the nurses asked if I was allergic to shell fish.  "No, I love clams, lobster, and crab".  She ordered some Benedryl, apparently I was having a reaction to the dye that was used to illuminate my artery.  Oh well, what next.

I noticed it was close to noon and I told the nurse to call my sister at work.  She asked me for her number and to my surprise I remembered it.  I gave instructions to call her during lunch time because she works for Tax and Finance and they are really strict about personal calls.  The nurse acknowledged and I must have drifted off to sleep.  Awaken at 2:00 PM, the nurse asked is there was anyone they should contact tact.  WHAT!  “I thought you already called my sister at noon.  She won’t be able to take a call now.  Her agency is strict.”   The nurse laughed at me.  Did I say something funny?  I was serious.  She proceeded to call my sister.  I told not to tell her I had a heart attack and what was the first thing out of her mouth;  “hello, is this Jacqueline.  Your brother, Edward had a heart attack and….”  In my head I was yelling at the nurse but it came out more like a whisper, “I told you not to tell her that!”  The nurse informed her that I was alright and would be in intensive care when she got to the hospital.  Thanks nurse, now how I have to deal with my sister.  She’s probably a mess and walked off the job.  Miss Girl blacks out when she’s upset and doesn’t think of the repercussions of her actions.  I told the nurse that we just buried our mother in February and my sister didn’t need to know about the heart attack part of me being in the hospital.  I would have told her when she got here.  The nurse apologized but indicated that my sister was in shock at first but ok by the time they finished their conversation.

Off to the ICU.  I was fully awake now and feeling my normal self, if you can call that normal.  Ready to eat and go home.  Unfortunately, I had to stay overnight in the ICU.  In walks my sister.  “You can’t do this.  It’s to soon.  What’s wrong with you?  I’m not ready for this.”  That’s Jacqui.  I told her I was fine and it’s all over and I should be out of the hospital in a few days.  I had to calm her down.  She had that petrified look on her face and she was pale.  When her color came back, I hit with becoming my living will/health care proxy, BAM!  “Mommy was my proxy but she can’t help now.  Don’t worry.  I have a DNR so you don’t have to make any decisions.  I’m alright now.  My sister didn’t think she could handle it so I told her I would have Aunt Betty serve as the alternate.  I called her right then there.

me:  Hey Auntie, how you doin.

Aunt Betty:  I’m fine.  Why are you calling me from the hospital.  Is everything alright?

me:  Um (I forgot to use my cell phone),  yeah.  I had a heart attack and…..

Aunt Betty:  Curt!

me:  Auntie, every thing is fine.  My right artery was clogged and they put a stint in it.  I’m ok.

Her voice began to quiver and I quickly pulled her back.

me:  OK, you got 30 seconds to loose it and then it’s over.   Alright.

Aunt Betty:  OK.  Curt!  Oh my God….Curt!  Lord, Jesus, Eddie had a heart attack….
What room are you in.  Uncle Curt and I will be right there.

me:  I’m in ICU but I’m calling to ask if you would be my health care proxy alternate with Jacqui.  I’m filling out the papers now.  Mommy was my proxy but she can’t help me from Graceland Cemetery. (trying to make her laugh)  Besides, Jacqui won’t be able to handle the tough decisions.  I have a DNR.

Aunt Betty:  Sure.

me:  Thank you.  I’ll have a copy for you when you get here.

Wow, it took a heart attack for me to realize that I didn’t have my papers in order.  I guess it’s a good thing that I didn’t leave this earth.  So much to do before I go.  Let’s see I have to go to the bank and change the beneficiary on my account from mother to my sister; draft a power of attorney with Auntie as the alternate; power pay my car note; and win the lottery.  Well I need to start playing mega millions.  You got to be in it to win it.  I think that’s it….

(To be continue)

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