Sharing Me With You

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Amsterdam, New York, United States
May 10, 2010 my RCA (right coronary artery) was blocked and I experienced a heart attack two days before my 49th birthday. Now I can add CAD to my list of living with diseases. Life is to short, it's time to live it. Sharing my escapades and life lessons.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Choosing A Mate

Often times I found myself in non-work related discussions with members of the office and today was a day of imparting a little wisdom on finding a husband.  One of the ladies stated that she prayed and asked for specific qualities in her potential mate.  After being relieved from a tumultuous marriage, she was a bit apprehensive about entering the dating arena.  She had registered with and was unlucky in love.  She decided to give it one more try but beforehand she prayed for what she wanted.  Her prayers were answered the next time she logged onto the site.  The perfect match was revealed, at least what she prayed for.

My discussions with other women searching for the “right” man have solidified the notion that you must be careful of what you pray for, at least for me.  It is best that you write a list before praying lest you miss something.  The list should include the good qualities that you want and those that you do not want.  You see that “free will” can get you into trouble.  You see you will be granted the desires of your heart but know that some desires come with problems.  For instance, if the qualities you ask for are a good, kind, and loving man.  You may receive a man who is good at being kind to other women and loving them.  Not quite what one was expecting.  You see the joke, oh yes the joke, is “free will”.  You see, I often tell the Lord how funny He is.  Especially when He allows me to get my way, knowing darn well that it isn’t for me.  But, does He say anything – Oh no!  Actually the question is, did I listen to what He was trying to tell me – NOPE!  I wanted it and was determined to get it and He said, oh well, here you go.  Remember you asked for it.  Ha-ha.

Just think of the times where you just had to have that man.  Mmm, mmm good is all you could think of.  He’s so fine; well dressed, has a good job; and such a gentleman.  While you’re caught up in all that you miss all the signs of doggishness.  You see the Lord revealed the true man to you but you ignored it.  Didn’t want to see, hear or speak of the evil.  You just gotta have it.  Well now you’ve got it and a trip to the doctor, in my case, or lawyer to get rid of it.  Yes he was everything you wanted and a bag a stale chips.  I digress, just had to get that off.  I feel better now.

Let’s compare some scripture.  I prefer to read the King James version of the Bible but when you look at the New Living Translation it is very evident that you will get what you ask for.

KJ Mt 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

NLT Mt 7:7 - Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. 

I grew up with the KJ version and this verse led me to believe that what ever I asked for shall be granted unto me, see I even speak King James – lol, but what I receive in the NLT version is that is if keep on asking (and get on his nerves) he will give it to me.  The same goes for the seek and knock portions of the scripture.  (Wow! This would make a great topic for a sermon.  JeNette would be so proud of me.  I need to call her).  I remember when I was a child and I wanted some candy.  I would ask my mother for it and she would say no, I couldn’t have it because it wasn’t any good for me.  I didn’t hear that.  I just heard no, I couldn’t have it and moped off to another room or aisle of the store.  Ms. Joyce didn’t allow temper tantrums or the sucking of ones teeth.  So a little while later I would ask her again and she would say, no it’s going to give you cavities.  What’s a little boy to do.  The candy bar was calling me.  It looked so good and I knew it would taste good.  I just had to have it so I asked one more time.  This time I had gotten on her nerves and she said go ahead.  Hurray for me that is until my visit to the dentist.  Turns out those candy bars that I managed to get my way with did give me cavities and the dentist drill was doggish on my teeth.  I kept asking my mother for the candy, and I got what I asked for including the consequences after being forewarned.

This comparison of the different translations of scripture could go on and on but time is drawing nigh for sleep (11:40 PM).  Brother has to get up in the morning.  I’ll make the next part quick.

The other woman indicated that she found and choose her man.  I simply corrected her by telling her it is not her job to find a man with a paraphrase of the scripture below.  She should pray that the Lord send the man that He intends for her to her and the man will find her.

KJ Pv 18:22 - Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.

NLT Pv 18:22 - The man who finds a wife finds a treasure and receives favor from the LORD.

Ok, enough rambling for one night.
Good night Eddie.

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